Topic 1: Techniques in fine art
Introduce children to different techniques and materials.
- To learn and apply interesting techniques related to fine arts
- Skills to work with different materials
Expected results:
- Education of aesthetic taste
- Formation for teamwork
- Building higher self-confidence and striving for greater precision
- Establishment of artistic habits and skills in colour studies, composition, acquisition of knowledge about various art activities.
- Children are introduced to the various traditional and experimental art techniques and materials of painting: watercolor, tempera, printmaking, applique, collage, modeling.
- In the painting lessons, children learn about the types of composition (figurative, geometric, abstract, etc.), colors (warm and cold), color ranges, building volumetric shapes with light shade (graphics) and colors.
- They learn about styles and directions in the visual arts.
- Portrait
- Still Life
- Landscape
- Figure composition
- Graphic
- Geometric images
"Prof. Marin Varbanov" Art Gallery
During the month of July
Topic 2: In the world of Archaeology
Acquire knowledge of what archaeology is, how archaeological excavations are carried out, methods and requirements for investigating archaeological sites, tools needed, typical terms. Focus on famous discoveries in Bulgaria and on research carried out in the Oryahovo municipality. General information on the archaeological heritage of the Oryahovo municipality.
History Museum's Central Building at 13, Vasil Levski St.